Make your message choice on the bottle page, this page is for viewing only

Item #1 -  Birthday message someone special/friend

This message comes to you

across the deep blue sea   

to bring you birthday wishes

and a gift for you from me.

 May this year be filled with happiness

and may all your dreams come true.

Just remember you are special,

truly special through and through.


                                                                                                                                    Item #2 - Birthday message -love

This message comes to you

across the deep blue sea

to bring you birthday wishes

and a gift for you from me.

 May this year be filled with happiness

and may all your dreams come true.

Just remember you are special

and that someone loves you.


         Item #3 – Birthday message___

This Happy Birthday greeting

was sent to you by me.

If it’s late don’t blame the postman,

You’ll have to blame the sea.


Happy Birthday!



Item #4 – Birthday message simple

Happy Birthday!

May all your birthday wishes come true.


Item #5 - Bridesmaid message

To My bridesmaid,

This message traveled across the sea

to send my gratitude for being there for me.

As I start my new life, know that you will always be a part of it. 

Thank you for being my bridesmaid.


Item #6 – Christmas message

I gave Santa this bottle

and told him it’s for you.

He tossed it in the ocean

and said please don’t be blue.

It will get to who it’s meant to

once it sails across the sea.

Cause a message sent with love

gets to where it’s meant to be.


Item #7 – Christmas message for someone far away

Christmas is near

but I’m sorry I can’t be.

I’ve placed this message in a bottle

and sent it out to sea.

 I wished that it would travel

to you where I can’t be

and tell you that I miss you

and in my thoughts you will be.

    #8 – Christmas message

I gave Santa this bottle

and told him it’s for you.

He tossed it in the ocean

and said please don’t be blue.

It will get to who it’s meant to

once it sails across the sea.

Cause a message sent by Santa

gets to where it’s meant to be.


Item #9 – Father’s Day message

This traveled from an island

out somewhere far from land

to let you know this Father’s Day

that Dad, you are the Man!


Happy Father’s Day!


Item #10 – Father’s Day message

 Legend has it,

 if you place a message in a bottle

and send it out to sea,

it will make its way among the waves

to where it’s meant to be.

Happy Father’s Day!


 Item #11 – General message

                                                                                                                    According to an ancient myth:

                                                                                                 If you place a message in a bottle and send it out to sea,

                                                                                                               it will find its way along the waves

                                                                                                                        to where it’s meant to be.

                                                                                                            I hope this message    finds its way to you            


Item #12 – Graduation message

This message travelled across the sea

to congratulate you on your graduation.

 I hope this message finds its way to you.


                Item #13 – Mother’s Day message                      

I placed this message in a bottle

and sent it out to sea

and wished that it would travel

to the best Mom there could be.

 If it made its way to you

then as far as I can see

it is proof that you are truly

the greatest Mom in history.

 Happy Mother’s Day!


 Item #14 – Mother’s Day message

Dear Mom,

Thank you for everything you have done for me.

Happy Mother’s Day.


 Item #15 – Thank you message

I placed a message in a bottle

and sent it out to sea

to send you thanks and gratitude

for what you did for me.

 Thank you.



Item #16 – Message of Love for anniversary/Valentine’s day, etc.

I’m sending you this message

across the shining sea

to tell you that I love you

and what you mean to me.


No matter if you’re close

or somewhere I can’t see,

my love for you runs deeper

than any sea can be.



Item #17 – Valentine’s Day

According to an ancient myth:

If you place a message in a bottle

and send it out to sea,

if delivered to the one you love,

that love was meant to be.

I hope this message finds its way to you.

Happy Valentine’s Day


 Item #18 – General message of love

                                                      According to an ancient myth:

                                                    If you place a message in a bottle 

                                                          and send it out to sea, 

                                                      if delivered to the one you love,

                                                          that love was meant to be.


                                                    I hope this message finds its way to you.